External CPD Courses

Health Care Conferences UK offer CPD courses which may be of relevance to your IPT practice. Please use the link provided to book and gather further information.
*N.B. IPT UK members are eligible for a 20% discount when booking HCUK events using the code: HCUK20iptuk via https://www.healthcareconferencesuk.co.uk/
Please email us ([email protected]) for more information
Sample of Available Courses
*N.B. IPT UK members are eligible for a 20% discount when booking HCUK events using the code: HCUK20iptuk via https://www.healthcareconferencesuk.co.uk/
Please email us ([email protected]) for more information
Sample of Available Courses
- Reducing the Harmful effects of exposure to Domestic Violence & Abuse on Children and Young People
- Delivering Trauma Informed Practice for practitioners working with children and young people’s anxiety, depression, traumatic symptoms, and disruptive behaviour: A Modular Approach
- Masterclass: Therapeutic Interventions to Reduce the Harmful Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences
- Masterclass: Therapeutic Interventions to Reduce the Harmful Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences
- Virtual Reality in Mental Health & Psychological Therapies
- Decision Making and Mental Capacity: Ensuring Best Practice & Adherence to the NICE Guideline
- Prevention and Management of Violence and Aggression (PMVA) Masterclass
- Improving the Management of People with Coexisting Severe Mental Illness and Substance Misuse
- Healthcare & Homelessness: Improving Care and Support for Homeless People
- Improving Mental Health Support for Asylum Seekers and Refugees
- A Practical Guide to Effective Non-Medical Prescribing in Mental Health
- Enhancing Resilience, Reducing Stress & Supporting the Wellbeing of Doctors
- Contextual Safeguarding - Applying the approach in practice to Child and Adolescent safeguarding
- Improving Access and Treatment for Eating Disorders: Towards Recovery
- Improving Support & Treatment for People with Gambling Related Addiction
- CAMHS National Summit 2020: Transforming Mental Health Services for Children & Young Adults
- Improving Doctors Mental Health & Supporting Doctors with Mental Health Problems
- Clinical Audit for Improvement in Mental Health
- Masterclass: Safeguarding Children Level 3 - NHS Level 4
- Improving Access, Treatment and Support for People with a Diagnosis of Personality Disorder
- Reducing and improving the use of Restrictive Interventions & Practice: Managing Acute Disturbance, Violence and Aggression
- Delirium Prevention, Assessment and Effective Management