Nominations will begin on 3rd March for 2 weeks with the election taking place from 31st March for 2 weeks. The new committee will be in place for 1st May 2025. You are invited to nominate as many people as you want as long as you have their consent. You can nominate yourself. Relevant skills & experience preferable
The existing Executive Committee roles have been reviewed, and the committee subsequently voted to amend them to reflect the development of IPT UK and to enable the organisation to move forward accordingly. The new positions are as follows:
TREASURER (see note below)
Please scroll through the PDF below for role descriptions. If you require any additional information or have any questions, please email Fiona
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The IAPT/Talking Therapies role and the Research role are no longer there. The Exec voted on moving these still very important topics into the Training Committee – we may even set up a Research SIG separate to this.
The new position on Treasurer may not be an electable one in the first instance – this is because we have to legally comply with operating as a limited company and have a permanent finance person in place.
The professional standards role and member engagement role are new.
This new set up will move IPT UK forward on our continued journey to become more professional and grow our membership and profile.
We hope you will continue to contribute and stay involved – and in that vein, have you thought about standing for one of the positions?Do you know of someone suitable for any of the roles? They have to have relevant skills and experience and a lot of enthusiasm! Please have a think and when it comes to nominations, please consider putting yourself or that person forward.Please ask them first!
I hope this is enough info to get you thinking, but I am happy to discuss further with any of you, and happy to answer any questions you may have. If you wish to speak to a current member of the Executive Committee, let me know and I will put them in touch with you.